Pawan Kalyan’s die-hard fans have been widely sharing anti-TDP and anti-government posts online like never before. But here is the twist. In run up to spreading hatred, Pawan fans are not realizing what they are sharing.
For instance, the team Janasena updates has recently shared a post about ‘Sand Mafia’ and tagged Chandrababu and his government. However, little did they realize that the media post was referring to the ‘Sand Mafia’ in Gadwal district of Telangana.
Naturally, this post has come in handy for TDP fans who trolled back Pawan’s fans and shot back at them to get their facts right first before criticizing Chandrababu.
Yadha Pawan, Tadha fans is the comment that is widely heard from several people. Like Pawan who is making often confused statements, his fans are also seems to be getting carried away with the shared posts without cross-checking facts. After all, comment is free, but facts are sacred.
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