Former Minister and TDP leader Anam Ramnarayana Reddy has been confirmed the ticket from the constituency of Venkatagiri in Nellore, according to YSRCP sources.While Anam initially was keen on Atmakur, the constituency already has Mekapati Gautam Reddy, son of Nellore MP Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy, loyal to the YSRCP.
Therefore, YS Jagan has allotted Venkatagiri constituency to Anam which has Kurugondla Ramakrishna of the TDP as the sitting MLA.Meanwhile, Karanam Balaram is also expected to join the YSRC by the end of August.Reportedly, it will be Karanam Balaram’s son Venkatesh who will first join the YSRCP and his father will follow suit later.
Negotiations are reportedly going on regarding the constituency, between the Karanam family and YSRCP.
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