Nithin’s “Srinivasa Kalyanam” had its teaser launch on Sunday. And the teaser has received good response and it got million plus views in a single day and started trending at number one place for hours.However, the teaser is now trending at number two as Vijay Deverakonda’s “Geetha Govindam” dethroned its position.
The Arjun Reddy star’s new film teaser was released on Monday morning. Within 18 hours, “Geetha Govindam” teaser crossed 2.8 million views and grabbed the number one position at Trending on Youtube.This teaser is fresh and cool. The huge views within hours prove the popularity of Vijay Deverakonda.
The team of “Geetha Govindam” that planned to release its teaser on Sunday had postponed it to Monday just to not compete with Dil Raju’s production. But now, Vijay Deverakonda has upper hand.Both these movies are going to release within a week’s gap next month.While “Srinivasa Kalyanam” is going to release on August 9, “Geetha Govindam” will hit the screens on 15th August on the eve of Independence Day.
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