Recently, Bollywood was in for a shock, as director Ali Abbas Zafar opened up in Twitter that heroine of his upcoming flick Bharat, former miss world Priyanka Chopra had quit the movie, making a sudden decision. This indeed created ripples across the industry.
It was later revealed that Priyanka Chopra was engaged to singer Nick Jonas and will get married soon to him, Following which she had decided to opt out. Reportedly, the hero of Bharat, Salman Khan has been extremely angry.A fuming Salman Khan has been said to have blasted Priyanka Chopra for her unprofessional act and vowed not to act with her again. Now, Bharat will have Salman’s ex Katrina Kaif playing Priyanka Chopra’s role, and will also have Disha Patani as the second lead.
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