Recently, the summer blockbuster, ‘Mahanati’ movie headed to Australia for the most prominent Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. Director Nag Ashwin’s bilingual biopic got screened at the festival this year. Movie unit including Nag Ashwin, Keerthy Suresh etc attended the event. Bollywood movie critic, Taran Adarsh met with the ‘Mahanati’ team and shared the picture on social media revealing that the movie received a prestigious award at the festival.
“An absolute honor to share the frame with the glorious team of #Mahanati in Australia, at the #IFFM after party… The film won a prestigious award at #IFFM2018 this evening.” Tweeted Taran Adarsh with a picture of him with the team. ‘Mahanati’ movie which came out as the biopic of iconic actress Savitri became a blockbuster in India as well as the overseas.
Keerthy Suresh and Dulquer Salman played the roles of Savitri and Gemini Ganeshan respectively.
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