Andhra Pradesh opposition leader and YSR Congress Party Chief Jagan Mohan Reddy on Monday announced a financial assistance of Rs 1 Crore for the flood-hit Kerala state, on behalf of his party. The party will send the money to Kerala Chief Minister’s relief fund.
YS Jagan, on Saturday, took to Twitter saying: “The devastation caused by the #KeralaFloods is gut-wrenching. My thoughts & prayers are with the people of Kerala in these testing times. Urge the Central govt to provide all possible assistance to support relief & rehabilitation measures for people affected by this calamity.”
In wake of devastating floods and massive rainfall, the Telugu state governments also have come forward and contributed to our neighboring state. Apart from states and centre, the gulf countries like Gulf and Qatar also declared relief aids and asked to make contributions to Kerala. Hundreds of people have lost their life & thousands are stranding various parts of state.
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