Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja would be sporting different avatars in his up next film. It’s learnt that Ravi Teja would be seen in dual roles – father & son. Apparently, director VI Anand of Eppatiki Pothavu Chinnavada fame has narrated an impressive story to Ravi Teja and Ravi Teja too liked it and gave his nod.The film would be bankrolled by Pawan Kalyan’s friend Ram Talluri. While Ram and Ravi’s last venture Nela Ticket turned out to be a dud, the duo collaborating again is what is raising many eyeballs.
Is this a two-film deal between Ravi Teja and SRT Entertainments or Ravi is doing a film for the banner as a good gesture after Nela Ticket became a disaster would come to know in future. At the moment, the pre-production works of the film are on full swing.
VI Anand is planning to shoot the film from November. Despite back-to-back flops, Ravi Teja is extremely busy with a pipeline of films. Currently, he is working with Sreenu Vaitla for Amar Akbar Anthony. He had also signed another film for Mythri for Santosh Srinivas which later said to be shelved. Even Anand’s last film Okka Kshanam with Sirish has failed. Now, both Ravi Teja and Anand have to deliver to comeback. Let’s see whether this combo of Ravi Teja, Anand and Ram Talluri would bring luck to all or not. One has to see whether their fortunes change or not.
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