A couple of months back, when there was huge ruckus that the latest film of director Sriram Aditya, featuring Nagarjuna and Nani in the leads, is a freemake, the director denied it upright.
Firstly it was heard that the film is based on Hindi movie “Johnny Gaddar” but later the posters are a close match to Hollywood gangster comedy “Analyse This”. Guess what, the director has tweeted that time that his film is not a copy of any movie and it is an original story.
Cut to now, that tweet is getting highlighted by trolls as the film’s trailer is pretty close to the story of “Analyse This” movie. Especially Nagarjuna’s body language that of Robert De Niro and Nani’s spectacled acted like that of Billy Crystal from their 1999 film is raising all the doubts.
With so many similarities, many are now recalling the Agnyathavaasi incident where the makers claimed their movie as aboriginal but in the end, it is a frame to frame rip-off of Largo Winch movie. In the case of freemakes, these days Hollywood production companies are also suing Indian production companies, so Devadasu team needs to be careful!!
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