Much to the surprise of everyone, film producer Bandla Ganesh who recently joined Congress, showered praises on Chandrababu Naidu’s working style and efforts. In an exclusive interview with a TV channel, he said that Chandrababu is responsible for Hyderabad’s development and no one can deny that. ‘These are facts. During his US tour too, Chandrababu was holding meetings at midnight and the very next day, he visited the slain MLA’s family members in Araku. That is hard work and anyone working hard must be appreciated,’ he added.
On the other hand, he criticised the TRS party and alleged that KCR is one among the 4 crore people who fought for the Telangana State. ‘Under the TRS government, people are living in fear. Time has come for Congress to take over and serve people,’ he stated.
However, when asked about Pawan Kalyan during the interview, Bandla Ganesh did not receive it well. He admitted that he is ‘Pawan Kalyan’s Bhakt’ and said he didn’t have ‘to prove it everyday, by slitting his wrist.’ If one were to observe his statements, it is clear that he is playing to the gallery after joining Congress while his god ‘PK’ seems to be opposing the person he is praising!
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