Yesterday, the Telangana Congress Party had published the fourth and final list of candidates who will take on the mighty TRS in the upcoming general elections. However, film producer turned politician Bandla Ganesh was hugely disappointed after his name was not mentioned in the list.
But Bandla Ganesh has been given a consolation prize by the T-Congress Party. He has been appointed the official spokesperson for Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee. The party has issued an official statement in this regard.
Bandla Ganesh had joined the Telangana Congress party a couple of months ago, stating that he has always loved the party’s principles since his childhood. He even vowed to remain in the party till his last breath. He had tried a lot to get a Congress ticket for the Rajendra Nagar assembly constituency.
Given his unique, audacious and animated oratory skills in interviews and press meets, it looks like the T-Congress Party has taken a wise decision by making him an official spokesperson. He is sure to provide enough entertainment to all parties in future.
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