Sources from Mumbai stated that Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone the new Mr. and Mrs. were all smiles in a new family portrait shared by the former’s stylist, Nitasha Gaurav. Accordingly the picture was taken on November 14 after Deepika and Ranveer’s Konkani style wedding. Also, Bollywood photographer Manav Manglani who was flown in to click the couple for the Konkani style wedding shared a photo of the couple along with Deepika’s family.
Meanwhile Manglani in his caption said that those who attended the couple’s wedding were given exclusive handouts of the photo. Reportedly Bollywood town’s power couple tied the knot in Lake Como in a traditional Konkani ceremony on November 14, while a Sindhi wedding was organized on November 15, both of which were attended by close knit relatives of the two actors.
DeepVeer to hosts 2 Wedding Receptions.
As per report yesterday the couple, had returned to India and the media persons had captured photos of them in the airport and the couple will reportedly host two grand receptions for their relatives and friends one in Bengaluru and the other in Mumbai.
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