Ram Charan is yet to complete the filming of his upcoming Sankranthi release Vinaya Vidheya Rama. Charan took a brief break from the shoot of Boyapati’s film to commence the first schedule of Massive multi-starrer #RRR.Rajamouli canned an action scene on NTR and Charan in the first schedule, which is going to be wrapped up in a couple of days.
Next schedule of #RRR will start only after Charan completes his promotional activities for Vinaya Vidheya Rama. Both RRR and VVR are produced by DVV Danayya. A special song is yet to be shot for Vinaya Vidheya Rama.
Boyapati Srinu hasn’t finalized the actress for the special song yet. This song and some patch work is still left to be shot, which is expected to be done by the end of December.Charan will start promotions for VVR from January first week and will join #RRR shoot after the completion of release formalities.
VVR is slated for release on January 11. So, the filming of #RRR will commence after Sankranthi festivities.Meanwhile, Rajamouli will finalize the female leads and other key actors that play the principal characters.
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