With ‘Arjun Reddy’ Rahul Ramakrishna emerged as a star comedian and later on he came up with entertaining roles in ‘Sammohanam’ ‘Chi La Sow’ etc. And with ‘Husharu’ Rahul proved that he can carry a film’s success on his shoulders.
Now he is busy with multiple projects. Despite being super busy, Rahul wants to fulfill his long pending dream of pursuing law. He took it on his Twitter handle and stated that ”In addition to working in the wonderful films that I’m part of, I plan to study law this year, as a last ditch effort to salvage my relationship with academics.”
Rahul might prefer the Nalsar university which is the topmost and best institute that offers law. However, if he opts for a full-time course, five and half years, Rahul needs to dedicate for its completion. Being an actor and simultaneously study may end up nowhere.
Apart from law, Rahul also wants to learn playing piano.
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