In a welcome move, Ram Charan and producer Danayya have come forward to bear the hefty losses incurred to the distributors of Vinaya Vidheya Rama.While the film’s pre-release world-wide theatrical business was done at Rs 90 Crore, the film on its full run managed to garner Rs 63 Crore share world-wide, thus incurring whopping Rs 27 Crore loss.
In order to compensate the distributors who believed in Charan and Danayya’s film and bet high monies, both Charan and Danayya have come forward to pay Rs 5 Crore each to the distributors. Thus, both together will be paying Rs 10 Crore to the distributors as part of compensation.
Even after this 10 Crore compensation, distributors of VVR have to bear the loss of Rs 17 Crore. Yet, one has to appreciate both Charan and Danayya for coming forward to pay the distributors. While UV Creations has bought the film for whopping Rs 73 Crore and released in the Telugu states, overseas distributor had paid Rs 6.70 Crore. After the disaster result, Danayya had waived off Rs 70 Lakh to its overseas distributor who was supposed to pay the 70 Lakh before the release as per the legal agreement.
Now, Charan and Danayya’s generous act is going to save the distributors to an extent.
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