Vizag MP seat said to have created a huge debate between Nara and Nandamuri families. As per rumors, Chandrababu Naidu was against fielding Balayya’s second son-in-law Bharat from Vizag parliament seat. Naidu wanted to keep Bharat away from electoral politics as already three from family (Chandrababu Naidu, Balakrishna, and Nara Lokesh) would be in the contest. However, Nara Brahmani said to have mounted high pressure on father-in-law Chandrababu to give the seat to her sister’s husband Bharat.
While Naidu wanted to field JD Lakshmi Narayana from Vizag parliament and wanted Nara Lokesh to pit from Bheemili and Ganta from Vizag North, Chandrababu doesn’t want Bharat from same Vizag parliament constituency. Naidu is afraid that if both Lokesh and Bharat are fielded from Vizag (one from Bheemili Assembly and other from Vizag Parliament), it may not send a good signal to people and party. This is the reason for Naidu opposing MP ticket to Bharat.
But unexpectedly, Naidu reportedly got a protest from own daughter-in-law Brahmani and brother-in-law Balayya. Balayya said to have told Naidu that he wouldn’t contest from Hindupur unless both of his close aides – younger son-in-law Bharat and Kanigiri MLA Kadiri Babu Rao are given tickets. This has caused a head-ache to Naidu. As Sri Bharat doesn’t want to contest from Assembly and wants to contest only from Vizag parliament from where his grandfather MVVS Murthy (Geetham Murthy) had represented earlier, Naidu has no other option but to drop JD Lakshminarayana from Vizag MP seat. Although Lakshminarayana was offered Bheemili Assembly ticket, he was said to be not keen to contest for Assembly and wanted only Vizag MP seat which he considered as a “safe” seat.
As Sri Bharat is being fielded from Vizag MP seat, Naidu has to relocate his own son Nara Lokesh from Vizag district to Guntur district. Naidu had worked hard and finally found Mangalagiri as a safe constituency for Lokesh. Only after this adjustment, Balayya has agreed to be in fray from Hindupur. And with difficulty, Naidu has offered the seat to Balayya’s friend Kadiri Babu Rao but not from Kanigiri and it is from Darsi, a safe seat for TDP again. Sidda Raghava Rao, who has been winning consistently from Darsi, has been moved to Ongole parliament seat as per previous plan. Naidu has fielded Ugra Narasimha Reddy from Kanigiri.
Meanwhile, to fill the Bheemili Assembly segment that was vacated by Ganta, Naidu has offered the seat to ex-MP Sabbam Hari. In order to accommodate Bharat from Vizag Parliament seat and Kadiri Babu Rao from any of Assembly seats in Prakasam, Naidu said to have worked so hard and changed candidates in three districts.
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