After tasting a huge triumph with Arjun Reddnirupay, director Sandeep Vanga is all set to take a plunge into Bollywood with its remake, Kabir Singh. In one of the latest interactions with the filmmaker, he said that he has named his son Arjun Reddy because he was born while they were in the midst of the shooting of the movie.
He also said that it took a bit longer than expected for him to write the character, Kabir Singh. “It was not easy to create a Mumbai born Punjabi boy who goes to study medicine at Delhi,” he said. He went on to compare the similarities between both Arjun Reddy and Kabir Singh, saying that both the Punjabi Singhs and Telangana Reddys are somewhat similar in food and drink habits and also in being loud at emotional moments.
Sandeep revealed that he always had Shahid Kapoor in the mind for the titular role. “I felt no one else could relive it better”. Talking about his next projects, Sandeep said that he has already narrated a story to Mahesh Babu and also working on a crime drama, which will be a pan-Indian film.
Arjun Reddy, which went on to become a massive success, is now leaving the audience eager to see what Kabir Singh ha got to offer. However, the trailer looks promising and Shahid has nailed all the aggressive scenes which have been revealed in the trailer so far.
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