The wedding of Allu Arjun’s elder brother Allu Bobby has become topic of the town since the last two days as he announced it through social media. Also with Bobby giving clarity that he got peacefully divorced in 2016 and re-married now, many netizens are asking him about his first wife, Neelima Bandi.
Apparently, some netizens went on asking, when Bobby divorced Neelima in 2016, how come she’s present at the Allu family’s Diwali events and also at their daughter Anvitha’s birthday party in the recent February. While these questions are foolish to ask, because divorced parents coming together for their kids is not a rare or undoable thing, Bobby has answers for them all.
Bobby says that Neelima is still family no matter that they divorced a couple of years ago. Also their daughter Anvitha is the first girl child in the family as Allu Arvind all three sons, and Allu Arjun is blessed with a daughter only recently. That said, Neelima is closer to her in-laws and even after divorce, she keeps in touch with all of them.
In a single statement, Bobby added, “Neelima is still family, always and forever. We have a beautiful child Anvitha”.
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