Mumbai girl Hebah Patel had made a solid debut in Tollywood with the back to back hits of Ala Ela, Kumari 21F, Eedo Rakam Aado Rakam and Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada in 2016. But since then, this dusky hottie has not had a solid hit which will take her career to the next level.
In a surprising career move, Hebah has now taken to a negative role. Hebah will be seen playing a crucial role with negative shades in Nithiin’s forthcoming romantic entertainer ‘Bheeshma’. Apparently, Hebah’s role will add a huge depth to Bheeshma’s story and her character will be a revelation.
Hebah is known for her cute looks, good acting skills and her glamour shows on screen. It will be definitely interesting to see how well she can pull off the negative role. Of course, unlike heroes, heroines may not have to stick to negative roles alone in future projects. So, just one solid hit and Hebah will be back in the game.
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