The romantic B-town couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh made sure all eyes were on them as they attended the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards in a unique style. The duo stole the show and left many drop their jaws looking at their unmatched fashion sense and envious PDA.
Deepika and Ranveer sat together, hand in hand, during the whole show and managed to stay in the spotlight every single minute. One thing that made headlines was Ranveer carrying Deepika’s long veil while she’s walking. Netizens couldn’t stop praising Ranveer for his ideal husband traits. It is just another example of caring his wife and Ranveer showed unimaginable protection and responsibility giving all priority to his wife’s comfort.
Deepika rocked the event in a lavender coloured gown with a long veil. The whole outfit has a shimmer texture and looked extremely gorgeous. While Ranveer lifted her veil when she was walking on the green carpet in an elegant manner. On the other hand, Ranveer wore an unconventional blazer accessorized with a red cape-like scarf which he draped in a quirky manner. He also flaunted with his high-tied ponytail and dark shades.
Ranveer won the IIFA Best Leading Actor (Male) award for his performance in Padmaavat. He praised Deepika in his winning speech, saying, “It’s a miracle and a blessing I made it as an actor. To do what I love to do for a living is a gift.”
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