Andhra Pradesh opposition leader and former state Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu has on Tuesday slammed YSRCP government for claiming to have saved Rs 750 Crores with reverse-tendering. ‘YSRCP leaders are claiming to have saved around 750 Cr through reverse tendering but it is going cause a huge loss up to Rs 7500 Cr,’ stated Naidu.
Speaking to media after review meeting with party leaders in Srikakulam, Babu referred to reverse tendering as ‘reserve tendering’ and took a swipe at state government for making attempts to take revenge on TDP supporters and restricting them on social media.
Blaming Jagan’s government for Kodela Siva Prasad’s death, Naidu has further stated, ‘The humiliation and torture by state government has pressurized Kodela to commit suicide and also, they are troubling opposition leaders both physically and financially.’ The former CM also alleged that this sarkar is troubling Srikakulam TDP leaders with illegal cases.
‘Through out my life, I worked with discipline and it will always protect me. I made Amaravati a subject of discussion all over the world and it (Amaravati) was also taken up by the Harvard University as a case study. They are killing a Goose which used to lay golden eggs. With a view to write off my name from people’s mind, this government is doing unrecoverable damage to state’ – criticised Naidu.
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