Few days ago, Hero Siddharth had vented his anger on the Censor Board in his social networking page. And here is the reason for it. The movie had suffered 4 cuts for silly reasons in the movie. The famous Allah Allah song was asked to edit stating religious reasons. The makers have decided to replace the word Allah Allah with Halla Gulla. The movie received U/A certificate and is all set to release on February 21st. Here is the detail of all the cuts in the movie.
1 Delete the visuals of Animals (Horse) or submit NOC from Animal Welfare Board of India (NOC Submitted).
2 Displayed statutory warning on drinking and smoking wherever it occur and submit a strong editorial justification for depiction of smoking and drinking.
3 a) Deleted the dialogue ‘lancham teesukunna nyayamurthi paapalu, mosam chesina Kalki, Nityananda Swamy’. b) Mayawati (deleted)
4 Mute ‘Allah Allah’ in the song and movie wherever it occurs (replaced the word ‘Allah Allah’ with approved word ‘Halla Gulla’)
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