Ram Charan acting alongside Chiranjeevi in Koratala Siva’s directorial ‘Acharya’ is confirmed. Initially it was Superstar Mahesh Babu who was considered for the role. There came reports that Mahesh has quoted Rs 1 crore per day and his portion of shoot would last for 30 days. This means Mahesh would likely to take home Rs 30 crore for his extended cameo.
But after a lot of deliberations, Ram Charan is okayed for this role. As per the reliable sources, Charan is also offered Rs 1 Crore remuneration per day for this movie and will be allotting 30 days dates for the movie which eventually make him take Rs 30 crore like that of Mahesh.
Charan’s mass image after ‘Rangasthalam’ grew significantly and his last outing ‘Vinaya Vidheya Rama’ though tanked at the box office, the film had 70 percent of theatrical returns. This proved that his mass image is intact and for sure it would be advantage for ‘Acharya.’
Konidela Production Company is one of the partners of ‘Acharya’ but it’s Matinee Entertainment which is taking the entire care of production and remuneration cost. So, it is Matinee who has come forward to pay the staggering remuneration to Charan.
Meanwhile, it can be noted that Charan’s Babayi Pawan Kalyan is being paid a whopping Rs 50 Crore for about 15 days for Pink Telugu remake i.e Vakeel Saab. It’s also buzzed that Chiranjeevi is paid about Rs 50 Crore as his remuneration for Acharya.
The makers of Acharya are hoping that the film would cross Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo’s Box Office collection and hence they’re confidently offering high remunerations to its cast and crew. One has to wait and watch, what is in store for this film.
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