Rana Daggubati funny video call to Vijay Deverakonda


Currently lock down is imposed in the country and all are restricted to their homes. May 3rd is the last date for lock down, Telangana government has extended it till May 7th.

However everyone is not sure whether lock down will be lifted post the above said dates. There might be a change or lock down extension.

In a recent online interview with Vijay Deverakonda by famous critic Rajeev Masand. In the recent interview he has revealed funny video call interaction with hunky lad Rana Daggubati.

When Rajeev Masand asked whether he shares any close bonding with Banjara Hills Boys, Ram Charan, Rana Daggubati and NTR.

For this Vijay Deverakonda said that though they are seniors they are always warm welcoming. In fact I had a funny video call interaction with Rana Daggubati. He is the only one who called from industry in this lock down period. He inquired about my well being and after that he wished he has a 3 Km girl friend as he could meet her during this lock down.

Also they talked about the stuff they are watching now and everything.

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