Speaking to the media at Gandhi Bhavan after meeting PCC Chief Botcha Satyanarayana, Lagadapati said he was not against the division of the State like late chief minister Y S Rajashekar Reddy. He said he had launched ‘Kanuvippu Deeksha’ against TDP Chief N. Chandrababu Naidu as the latter had changed his stand on Telangana issue. He said while the stand of the Congress was very clear on Telangana, the TDP has changed its stand now.
He said the Seemandhra people were opposed to creation of separate Telangana State as they have some objections on division of the State. Stating that consensus was not possible over Telangana State, he said Telugu land belongs to all.
Pointing out that the Congress bagged majority of the Cooperative Societies across the State, he said the party would repeat the feat in the Local body and Panchayat elections. He also said the Congress has strong cadre base in the Krishna district and nobody would leave the party.
Lagadapati said he asked the PCC Chief to accept the resignations of the MLAs whoever it may be immediately after receiving them. Stating that only some leaders were joining YSRCP, he advised the Congress to accept such leaders’ resignations.
He said one Thatimatla Venkatrao of Jaggayyapet constituency joined the Congress in the presence of PCC Chief today. The party may give responsibilities to Venkatrao in the near future, he added.
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