D/O of Ram Gopal Varma is a new film with Vennela Kishore in lead role while Khaja is handling the mega phone. This movie faced troubles while the time of it’s censoring on the issue of its title. It faced objections from the board of censor. Censor board has suggested the producer of the film to change the title as there are chances for controversies with this kind of Title which has the name of a celebrity.
Director Khaja has earlier explained that there are no scenes in this movie related to Ram Gopal varma, not even the story is any way related to him. Now the same reason has become an obstacle for this film in getting the censor certificate.
So now the producer and director of this film have decided to change the title from ‘D/O of Ram Gopal Varma’ to ‘D/O of Varma’. Movie is going to be out with this title only.
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