The director who debuted into direction with Varun sandesh starrer ‘Kotha bangaru lokam’ and who grabbed the attention of entire Telugu film industry towards him with the Mahesh babu, Venkatesh multi starrer family drama ‘Seetamma vakitlo sirimalle chettu’ is Srikanth Addala. The humongous collections of this film have moved this director to new heights. In this context, many star heroes are showing interest to work with him. Latest news is that even top hero of Tollywood, Power star Pawan Kalyan is now planning to work with Srikanth.
No director will say no to such an offer to work with Pawan kalyan and Srikanth also seems to be giving priority to this offer and preparing a script accordingly keeping power star image in mind. Srikanth will soon be going to narrate a subject to Pawan Kalyan.
If everything goes well, we can expect Pawan Kalyan to speak in Godavari slang.
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