Small screen’s super star actress Anandi aka Avika Gor has had superb debut movie in Tollywood. Uyyala Jampala was a surprise hit package and Avika walked away with all the laurels for her performance. Her screen presence and her acting skills looked second to none and it has brought good money to producer Akkineni Nagarjuna. We ever heard that Nag thought of having Avika as female lead in Akhil’s launch movie.
We don’t know how far it has come but Avika silently signed away her next movie. This will be a film under debut director Nandyala Rav. The writer turned director is said to have scripted a woman centric movie, and we hear that the director could not think of any other actress other than Avika in the lead role. Former journalist Giridhar is the producer of the movie. Shooting of this movie will commence from today. Let us wait for more details. The movie shall not be a high budget project and Avika Gor was offered 50 lakhs for the role. Considering this is only her second movie that’s quite a jump in remuneration we must say!
Avika shot to fame with the Television sop ‘Chinnari Pellikoothuru.’ However, it was Uyyala Jampala’s performance that made her even more popular among movie lovers.
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