Siddharth and Samantha’s upcoming movie Jabardasth in the direction of Nandini Reddy had completed its shooting part and is currently in post production phase. The makers are planning to release the audio of the movie on January 27th and the movie will hit the screens some time in February. Siddharth had pinned high hopes on this movie as he is lagging behind in success race for a long time.
Bellamkonda Suresh is producing the Telugu version while director Lingusamy bought the rights for Tamil version and it will be distributed by Thirupathi Brothers banner. The film has been titled as Dum Dum Pee Pee in Tamil. The Tamil dubbing works of the movie will begin very soon. Nithya Menon will also be seen in the film in a crucial role. Thaman composed the tunes for the movie. The audio of the movie will be launched towards the end of January.
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