King Nagarjuna is coming up with a racy action thriller titled ‘Wild Dog’ which is getting released on 2nd April. Based on true events including the terrorist attacks on Dilsukhnagar in 2013 where over 18 people were dead and 130 people were injured, the makers recently released a special video saluting the heroics of the National Investigation Agency in bringing the justice.
It was an emotional video which showcased some of the original footage and explained how NIA took over the investigation and caught 5 main heads of the Indian Mujahideen. The team of ‘Wild Dog’ paid respects to all the lost lives. Watching this video is sure to touch everyone.
Apart from Nagarjuna, the film has Saiyami Kher, Ali Reza, Prakash Sudarshan and others playing key roles. Dia Mirza will be seen as Nag’s wife in this film which is directed by Ahishor Solomon. Music is given by Thaman.
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