From the last one month, Kollywood is abuzz with the news that Nayantara is going to don bikini once again in a Tamil movie beside Ajith. Last time she donned the Bikini for Ajith’s Billa and it was a rage then. However, Nayan had turned down all these news as mere speculations, speaking in an interview, she said, “I have earned every thing in life… Money, Fame. There is nothing which can tempt me now. I am not attached to anything in the world”, she said. However, Nayan is too focused on her work, she added, “I am entirely focused on the projects in hands and wanted to explore more by doing more roles. And I have no idea of donning bikini any more”.
Thats definitely disappointing for her fans! Nayantara last appeared beside Rana in Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum in Telugu. She is currently pairing up with Nagarjuna’s next Greeku Veerudu.
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