There is film called ‘Charminar’ being made in Kannada. Now it is heard that ‘Charminar’ is going to be remade into Telugu. As per the kannada film news, Nagarjuna is going to do the lead in this remake movie. Kannada star director Chandru is going to produce and direct this film even in Telugu. A leading producer from Tollywood, after watching the earlier films of Chandru asked him to remake this film into Telugu.
Revealing this to media, director Chandru said, “It is the idea of that producer, to remake this film into Telugu with king Nagarjuna as hero. He asked me to direct the Telugu version too. I am actually thinking about this. Will see”. But Chandru didn’t revealed the name of the producer who met him on this regard. Point to note here is, the movie runs in the context of the pride of Hyderbad Charminar
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