The cops have launched a search operation to arrest the accused in the rape and murder case of a 6-year-old girl. The alleged cases took place in Telangana’s Hyderabad earlier last week. However, the T BJP is targeting Telangana IT Minister KTR on the tweet he made.
A few days back. KTR had tweeted saying that the accused in the case and sought severe punishment for the accused in the case. However, the Minister had corrected his tweet and made another tweet saying that he was misinformed on the issue.
“Deeply anguished with the news of a 6 year old child’s sexual molestation & murder in Singareni colony.While the perpetrator has been arrested within hours, I request Home Minister @mahmoodalitrs Garu & @TelanganaDGP Garu to ensure that justice is delivered expeditiously,” KTR tweeted on Sep 12.
“Would like to correct my tweet below. I was misinformed that he was arrested. Regret the erroneous statement.The perpetrator is absconding & @hydcitypolice has launched a massive manhunt for him.Let’s all make our best efforts to ensure he’s nabbed & brought to justice quickly,” KTR said in the correction tweet.
However, the Telangana wing of BJP had launched an attack on the IT Minister and they also sought the resignation of the Telangana Home Minister Mahmood Ali. The leaders are saying that the Home Minister has no idea on the issue and he should resign from the post.
Telangana BJP chief spokesperson K. Krishna Saagar Rao took a dig at Home Minister saying that KTR tweets on the issue saying that the accused was arrested and corrects his tweet later. But the Home Minister and DIG have no idea on this and they didn’t even issue a statement on the issue, he said.
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