Chilkur Temple priest slams Alia Bhatt over Kanya Daan Ad

Not only books, movies, articles, occasionally television commercials are also becoming controversial. The same thing happened recently in the case of a jewellery advertisement starring Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt. The company has recently released a commercial, which didn’t go well with the people

In the advertisement, the actress questions whether the practice of Kanya daan. Saying daughters are not property, the ad ends on the note with the groom’s parents also joining in on the ‘daan’ ritual, with Alia Bhatt summarizing it should be ‘Kanya Maan,’ respecting the daughter instead of donating her.

The way Alia Bhatt talks about Kanya Daan in the commercial is leading to criticism. Rangarajan, the chief priest of the Chilukur Balaji Temple, was also angry with Bollywood actress and the company that created the ad with her.

In a video message released by him, he said that it was ridiculous for an ad agency to come and tell morals to Hindus about Kanya daan. Indian culture and civilization have been going on for thousands of years. He reminded that there is a tradition in our country to consider the bride as the embodiment of Mahalakshmi. Rangarajan said the ad, which was designed to mislead Kanya daan, should be withdrawn immediately.

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