Both were invited as special guests by the producer Uday Shankar, who threw a party on the occasion of audio release function of the movie Made in Vizag. Hemant had reached before Veena on the party.When Veena arrived, she went up to Hemant, hugged him and also locked lips with him. Hemant is the son of the veteran Telugu filmmaker K Baburao. Currently, he is donning the hat of the director of the upcoming Bollywood movie Mumbai 125kms. He is also a married man. Off late he has also been posting love-quotes on Tweeter.
One wonder whether Veena is really in love with Hemant or doing it to gain some media attention. Veena who is starring in movie The City That Never Sleeps in the pipeline,is eying Guinness World Record by giving the maximum number of kisses Initially, she had denied her links with Hemant. But with these photographs out before the public, it will be difficult for her to get away with a simple denial. Veena has also been previously linked with Ashmit Patel.
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