Fans of Venkatesh and Mahesh Babu had to wait a bit longer to lay hands on the audio CD of Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu. The audio release function of the movie which was scheduled for 13th December on the eve of Venkatesh’s Birthday has been postponed. Technical reasons have been cited for this delay. The new date is December 15th. “Except two filming of two songs, entire shooting has been wrapped up. So we are happy to announce the music launch and movie release dates, ” said producer Dil Raju.
Recently the climax sequence of the movie was canned at a specially erected set of Bhadrachalam Temple complex at Ramoji Film City. SVSC has music by Mickey J Meyer. The film will hit the big-screens for Sankranthi on 11th January, 2013 worldwide.
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