Aaradhya Bachchan, who is a born celebrity, will be celebration her first birthday on November 16. The celebrations have already begun in Bachchan family, with Abhishek buying a swanky car ‘Mini Cooper S’ as a birthday gift to the one-year-old baby. The baby has gone for a ride in her new bright-red Mini Cooper S as her grandpa Amitabh Bachchan driving the vehicle and grandmother Jaya Bachchan accompanying him.
As expected, celebrations are going to be big for Aaradhya birthday, but it will be strictly a private affair. Speculations are rife that Bachchan family might be in Dubai on Novemeber 16 to avoid the paparazzi.
BMW launched the small car Mini Cooper S in India to raise its scale of business to a great extent. With a peak power of 184 horse power at 5500 rpm, Mini Cooper S can accelerate 0-100 kmph in 7.2 seconds and can attain a top speed of 223 kmph. And the price tag of Cooper S in India is around Rs 30 lakhs.
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