Film maker Gunashekar had announced a donation of 5 lakhs for the people affected by Nilam cyclone. He handed over the cheque of 5 Lakh rupees to CM Relief fund through his PRO, BA Raju. Guna had announced a movie based on the life of Rani Rudramma Devi. Anushka will play the main lead in the movie. Guna will himself produce the movie and had roped in some top class technicians on to the project. Director Gunasekhar says that the film will be India’s first historical stereoscopic 3D film
The preproduction work of the movie is going on at brisk pace. Guna had set up a Research and Development team to gather any information retarding the life of Rudramma Devi. The movie will go on to floors in in February 2013.
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