Swiggy, the Bengaluru-based food delivery giant, has introduced a new app called “Snacc,” designed to deliver snacks, beverages, and light meals within 10 to 15 minutes. Currently available only in select Bengaluru neighborhoods, Snacc aims to cater to urban consumers who seek quick and convenient dining options.
The app features a menu of breakfast items, quick bites, and drinks, targeting those in need of a fast meal. Customers can access Snacc through both Android and iOS platforms, marking Swiggy’s ambitious move into the ultra-fast food delivery space. This launch comes as Swiggy’s primary app becomes increasingly cluttered, with numerous features and services making it harder for users to navigate.
Building on the success of its rapid delivery service Bolt, which ensures 15-minute deliveries by collaborating with partner restaurants, Snacc takes a different approach. Instead of relying on local restaurants, Snacc operates from a centralized hub stocked with ready-to-serve items, enabling faster and more reliable deliveries.
This new venture puts Swiggy in direct competition with platforms like Zepto Cafe and Blinkit Bistro, which are also tapping into the growing demand for rapid food delivery in India. With a focus on convenience, these platforms are targeting millennials and Gen Z, who prioritize speed and efficiency in their dining habits.
The rapid food delivery market in India is expanding at a fast pace, driven by changing consumer preferences and the growing digital adoption. However, companies in this space face significant challenges, such as high operational costs and maintaining food quality while meeting tight delivery timelines.
By launching Snacc, Swiggy is leveraging its vast logistics network and technological capabilities to create a strong presence in this competitive market. Experts believe that such innovations could reshape food consumption trends in urban India, further fueling the growth of the rapid delivery sector.
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