Producer Dil Raju issued an apology today following the controversy sparked by his remarks at the Sankranthi ki Vastunnam event in Nizamabad. During his speech, Dil Raju made references to Telangana’s culture, including meat and toddy, which were misinterpreted by some attendees, leading to claims that he had insulted the region’s traditions.
Dil Raju clarified that his comments were not intended to disrespect anyone. “I have a strong connection to Nizamabad, which is why I chose to hold the event here. In my speech, I mentioned meat and toddy as integral to Telangana’s culture. I later learned that my words upset some people, and I sincerely apologize if anyone was hurt. My intention was simply to express my appreciation for Telangana’s cultural richness, not to offend anyone,” he explained in a social media video.
The producer also highlighted his contribution to the Telangana community through his films, including Fidaa and Balagam, which garnered pride for the people of Telangana.
In response to the criticism from several BRS leaders, Dil Raju requested that political parties refrain from involving him in their narratives. “As the chairman of FDC, I strive to act as a bridge between the government and the film industry. My goal is to support the film industry, and I urge political parties not to drag me into their political agendas,” he said.
In the same event, host Sreemukhi also sparked controversy with her comments regarding Lord Sriram and Lakshman, referring to them as fictional characters.
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