Prominent businessman Boby Chemmanur has been granted bail by the Kerala High Court in a sexual harassment case filed by Malayalam actor Honey Rose. Chemmanur, who was earlier taken into judicial custody, faces charges under Section 75(4) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita for making sexually colored remarks and under Section 67 of the IT Act for transmitting obscene material electronically. The offenses carry potential sentences ranging from one to three years.
The arrest and subsequent custody of Chemmanur were questioned due to a recent Supreme Court observation that mandates sufficient grounds for arrest when the punishment is seven years or less.
According to Honey Rose’s complaint, she attended the inauguration of Chemmanur International Jewellery’s showroom in Alakode, Kannur, on August 7, 2024. During the event, Chemmanur allegedly placed a necklace around her neck and made inappropriate advances, including twirling her in an objectionable manner. The complaint claims these actions were done with bad intent.
In response, Chemmanur denied the allegations, describing them as false and without merit. He further stated that Honey Rose made the complaint public by sharing a letter addressed to him on social media, which he claims added to the controversy.
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