Following the setback in the Telangana assembly elections, K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR), the President of the BRS and the designated opposition leader of Telangana, has largely retreated to the comfort of his farmhouse. However, his solitude has been broken by the return of his grandson, Kalvakuntla Himanshu (son of KTR). Himanshu recently took to social media to share a heartwarming video featuring himself alongside his grandfather.
In the video, Himanshu is seen practicing agriculture, plowing the field and planting a tree under KCR’s guidance. He shared a thoughtful message, emphasizing the importance of afforestation in combating climate change: “Learning from the best ❤️ Afforestation is essential to mitigate the effects of climate change, and we are responsible to protect and preserve our natural resources.”
Himanshu, who had been pursuing higher education in the United States, returned to India after a recent visit by KTR. Now back home, the young man is immersing himself in environmental conservation with his grandfather’s mentorship.
This moment coincides with KTR’s ongoing legal troubles, including increased scrutiny from the Enforcement Directorate and the Anti-Corruption Bureau in relation to the Formula E case. KTR was questioned by the ED just recently. While it’s unclear if the video is a new post or a throwback, the sight of the grandfather and grandson working together on the field is a refreshing one, symbolizing a meaningful family moment.
Learning from the best ❤️🥰
Afforestation is essential to mitigate the effects of climate change, and we are responsible to protect and preserve our natural resources.
— Himanshu Rao Kalvakuntla (@TheHimanshuRaoK) January 16, 2025
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