TJAC out to destroy Tollywood

It seems TJAC and other organisations that are fighting for the cause of telangana with their actions are out to destroy Tollywood. They may take shelter citing sentiments and feelings but the way they attacked Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Cameraman Gangato Ramababu’ producer and director’s properties even after they gave press statements that their film doesn’t contain anything objectionable that hurts their feelings and if they come they will delete those scenes shows they are not for telangana or sentiments but to extract money in the name of sentiment.
Top tollywood personalities many times issued statements that they are not against any region and everyone is equal for them. Inspite of that many times TJAC and OU like some hooligans disrupted shootings on trivial issues. Tollywood film makers in private feel that if this continues it will be huge loss to the industry and in future film makers may think of even shifting the base to some other safer regions.
Many times even law enforcing authorities denied permissions to film makers citing law and order problem for the films on telangana issue and people feel that this kind of acts from any organisation will have direct bearing on lakhs of people who make their livelihood depending on the industry.

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March 5, 2025


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