Mahesh Babu’s Aagadu has been cleared by the Censor Board with a U/A certificate and the film is on schedule for 19th Sept release. Getting U/A (Kids allowed to watch it under Parental Guidance) certificate is going to be the greatest advantage for Aagadu. Many of our recent mass entertainers couldn’t get away from A certificate.
Recent biggies like Power and Rabhasa were given A certificates and that has an impact on the respective movies collections at multiplexes. All the multiplexes across AP and Telangana strictly don’t allow kids to watch the films that were certified A by the Censor Board. Also some parents hesitate to take their kids to the films that were certified A.
Aagadu will not have such problems as it was awarded U/A. Mahesh Babu is a popular star among the kids. Srinu Vytla took care not to have any elements that may get an A certificate. Aagadu has clear edge at the Box Office, especially at the multiplexes with this.
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