Well-known actress Taapsee Pannu will soon be seen in a brand new avatar in filmmaker Tigmanshu Dhulia’s yet-to-be-titled short film. The actress, who was last seen in the espionage thriller movie ‘Baby’ starring Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, will now be draped in a sari in the Marathi style. The actress will be donning a Maharashtrian look for the film, all with nose pins and hair buns.
The short movie, a love story as we hear, is being filmed in Mumbai right now and while the actress is busy shooting, she takes out some time for online shopping. Apparently, the actress is pretty much addicted to it and has been spending all her free time buying accessories or beauty products or fashionable clothing on her phone.
Aside from this film, Taapsee has a few other soon-to-be-released movies in hand and a contract with Tigmanshu Dhulia for a feature film.
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