Director Trivikram rarely interacts with the media and whenever he does, there’s a lot to look forward to eagerly. The writer-director opened up about his professional and personal lives like never before in a latest interview given to a leading Telugu daily. Here are some interesting tidbits from the interview:
“We’ve sold Agnyaathavaasi for 90 crores. The film made 60 crores from the box office. Pawan Kalyan garu, Producer and I have paid them back 25 crores within 1 week of release as the result is imminent. That doesn’t mean we are great people or best citizens, but we did what we have to” said Trivikram, speaking to a leading daily today.
“Pawan Kalyan is a great man and good friend of mine. I wish him all the success in his endeavours. He’s of the mindset that one should not celebrate at the expense of others. That’s why we have made sure that Agnyaathavsi distributors will not get losses” said Trivikram, adding the Powerstar angle to the whole happening.
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