Aiming to attain a national party status, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) began its three-day conclave amid fanfare at Gandipet on the outskirts of Hyderabad on Wednesday. TDP president and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu inaugurated the 34th conclave by lighting the ceremonial lamp, unfurling the party flag and paying tributes to party founder N.T. Rama Rao.
He also inaugurated a photo exhibition and a blood donation camp on the occasion. The inaugural session paid rich tributes to the party leaders and workers who died in the two states since previous ‘Mahanadu’. The party’s top leaders, including its ministers in the central government, state ministers from Andhra Pradesh and MPs and legislators from both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are among the 60,000 delegates attending the conclave.
The ‘Mahanadu’, the first ever after the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, is set to pass an important political resolution on elevating the regional party to a national party. The conclave will take stock of the performance of TDP government in Andhra Pradesh and discuss ways to strengthen the party in Telangana, where it is in opposition. The TDP, a partner in the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government at the centre, will also pass a resolution on national politics.
The ‘Mahanadu’ is expected to form two separate committees for the two Telugu states. Chandrababu Naidu’s son N. Lokesh, who is expected to be entrusted with a key responsibility in the party, was the centre of attraction. NTR’s actor sons Harikrishna and Balakrishna also hogged the limelight at the inaugural. The party has made large-scale arrangements for the conclave. TDP leaders said special arrangements were made to supply drinking water in view of the heatwave in the region.
A menu with over 34 vegetarian items from Telangana, Rayalseema and Andhra regions has been arranged for the delegates. Gandipet was decked up for the occasion with party’s yellow flags, banners, welcome arches and cut-outs of party leaders. The conclave was inaugurated after a colourful cultural programme, highlighting the rich cultural traditions of both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
The ‘Mahanadu’ will discuss implementation of poll promises, grant of special status to Andhra Pradesh as promised by the previous Congress-led UPA government, national status to Polavaram, Pranahita and Chevella projects and construction of new capital for Andhra Pradesh. The party proposes to introduce 34 resolutions – 21 for AP and 13 for Telangana. This is the first ‘Mahanadu’ after the TDP formed the first government in the truncated state of Andhra Pradesh by winning 102 seats in the 175-member Assembly.
Also, by winning 15 assembly seats in the new Telangana Assembly, the TDP emerged as the only party with a strong presence in both the states, post-bifurcation. The TDP is also trying to spread its wings in neighbouring states like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, where a sizable number of Telugus reside. The party already has a unit functioning in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
NTR, a popular Telugu actor, had launched the TDP in 1982 on the slogan of Telugu self-respect and created record of sorts by coming to power within nine months, ending the single party rule of the Congress in an undivided Andhra Pradesh. He died in January 1996, a few months after Naidu led a revolt in the party and became the chief minister. The TDP holds its convention every year to coincide with the birth anniversary of NTR.
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