Having all actors in the family is something Bollywood regular sees. But here comes the first Tollywood hero who has both his mother and father as actors, who are also leading stars of their time. Akkineni Nagarjuna and Amala are thrilled about their son Akhil’s upcoming debut as a leading hero on silver screen. Fans of Akkineni khandan has another reason to celebrate now.
Coming to Amala’s debut, to speak more precisely, we have to say that she is making a full pledged re-debut into Hindi films soon. Like Akhil sparkled with a cameo in Manam, his mother Amala too sprang a surprise for Hindi audiences, 23 years after she left Bollywood as a heroine. In 2013, Amala was seen in a cameo in an art-flick ‘Listen.. Amaya’, but that hasn’t won huge attention.
Big news is that, she will soon make a commercial debut as character artist on Hindi screen through a guest appearance in director Mohith Suri’s ‘Humari Adhuri Kahani’. Technically, mother Amala and son Akhil will be making their fantastic full pledged debuts in 2015.
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