Ever since director Krish Jagarlamudi announced that his next movie Kanche is set against the World War II, the film has been in the full glare of media. In fact, several filmmakers and movie lovers cutting across languages have been keeping a tab on the film. The film’s spellbinding trailer is what made it possible and set the standards high by raising the expectations bar.
If latest reports are anything to go by, even many in Bollywood are watching out for Krish’s Kanche. Thanks to his Bollywood debut Gabbar is Back with which he proved his mettle, many of B-town makers, actors are keeping a close eye on Kanche.
The situation is no different in Telugu. Krish has earned a sobriquet of sensible filmmaker. In a career spanning seven years in industry, he made sensible films such as Gamyam, Vedam, Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum which got critical acclaim and did moderately well at the Box Office.
For Kanche, Krish said to have blend love story in the backdrop of a war which is raising curiosity of movie buffs. Featuring Varun Tej, Pragya Jaiswal in the lead roles, the movie is touted to be Telugu cinema’s first world war film. At the moment, all eyes are on the film which is slated for Oct 22nd release. After 3-year-long hiatus, Krish is back to Telugu to offer a sensible film to audience.
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