Allari Naresh, who was last seen in super hit film Naandhi, is now gearing up to entertain the audience with a new film, tentatively called #Naresh59. The film, which marks the 59th project in his career, was officially launched today (February 1) in Hyderabad. The AR Mohan directorial began with a customary pooja in the presence of the cast and crew. The film is said to be the Telugu remake of the Hindi movie Newton.
The makers of the film, Hasya Movies, shared some stills from the pooja ceremony and wrote, “The Reputed Astro MD @MunnangiBalu has clapped for the first shot of #Naresh59 today. SHOOT BEGINS SOON.”
Allari Naresh too shared this with the fans via his Twitter handle. Sharing some pictures, he wrote that their roaring film has been launched today. He wrote, ”#Naresh59 – A story to cherish. Seeking all your Love & blessings Stay tuned.”
#Naresh59 will be jointly produced by Hasya Movies and Zee Studios. Anandhi will be playing the leading lady. Sricharan Pakala is the music director for this film, Raam Reddy for cinematography and Brahma Kadali for art direction.
#Naresh59 – A story to cherish.
Seeking all your Love & blessings ?
Stay tuned.A film by @raajmohan73 ?@anandhiactress@ZeeStudios_ @HasyaMovies @RajeshDanda_ @lemonsprasad @_balajigutta @abburiravi @SricharanPakala @RaamDop #BhaskarBandi
— Allari Naresh (@allarinaresh) February 1, 2022
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