Recently, a disturbing incident unfolded at a private engineering college in Gudlavalleru, Andhra Pradesh, when allegations surfaced about cameras being found inside the girls’ bathrooms on campus. However, following a thorough forensic investigation, authorities determined that no such cameras were present.
Fast forward to a more recent and equally alarming development in Telangana.
Last night, numerous social media posts began circulating, claiming that cameras were discovered inside the girls’ bathrooms at a private college in Medchal, Telangana. Disturbing videos from the college campus showed hundreds of students protesting against the management, with some unverified reports suggesting that nearly 300 sensitive videos of female students had been recorded.
It is believed that the surveillance had been ongoing for the past three months, compromising the privacy of many female students. In response, students have taken to the streets, demanding justice, with chants like “We want justice” echoing through the campus.
The police have reportedly acknowledged the gravity of the situation and have promised to file a case and conduct a full investigation based on the students’ complaints.
Given the sensitive nature of the incident, it’s crucial to refrain from drawing any conclusions until the investigation is completed. Both the police and forensic teams are expected to delve into the matter, with potential involvement from government authorities depending on the investigation’s findings. In the meantime, the affected students and the community are hopeful that justice will be served.
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